This image appears in the 1941 “My Sunday Missal Explained,” Confraternity of the Precious Blood (Brooklyn), original copyright 1938. (This was my grandmother’s missal.) As a cradle Catholic raised in the...
Read Moreby Maria Morrow | Jun 2, 2019 | Current Events | 0 |
This image appears in the 1941 “My Sunday Missal Explained,” Confraternity of the Precious Blood (Brooklyn), original copyright 1938. (This was my grandmother’s missal.) As a cradle Catholic raised in the...
Read Moreby Maria Morrow | Sep 18, 2018 | Current Events | 0 |
At a recent conference, someone commented that one task of today’s theologian is to review Vatican II and the implementations and other changes made in the years following this council. Among these changes was one that...
Read Moreby Maria Morrow | May 29, 2018 | Current Events | 0 |
Despite the constancy of the faith throughout two millennia, Christianity is always being adapted to the present age, usually with some difficulty, debate, and struggle. Catholic history presents us with so many examples of this...
Read Moreby Emily Reimer-Barry | Apr 27, 2014 | Current Events | 0 |
The popes are the in the news a lot today: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and our current Pope Francis...
Read Moreby David Cloutier | Feb 14, 2013 | Current Events, From the Field | 0 |
I was asked, on a radio program yesterday, what I thought the Pope’s legacy would be, and I said I thought he would be “the great Vatican II pope,” one of the youngest theologians who worked at the Council, who summed up all the...
Read Moreby Jason King | Oct 17, 2012 | Current Events | 1 |
I grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Nothing so dominated my life like television and movies. I experienced Vatican II not primarily in its texts or its teachings, nor in what it did or did not change, but mostly through a...
Read Moreby Jessica Wrobleski | Oct 15, 2012 | Current Events | 0 |
A good friend and I still joke about one of our first conversations when we met at a Catholic Worker house several years ago. He asked if I was Catholic. “Small-c catholic,” I told him. “So I guess that’s a no,” he responded....
Read Moreby David Cloutier | Oct 11, 2012 | Current Events | 0 |
It was 50 years ago today when Pope John XXIII opened the Second Vatican Council. 50 years ago today, no one writing on this blog was born (or if they were, they were infants). For us, Vatican II is a “given.” I read various...
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