Justice and Animals: a Brief Reply to Christopher Tollefsen
I appreciate the attention given to an argument made in my book on animals in a new review (up at...
Read Moreby Charles Camosy | Dec 19, 2013 | From the Field | 0 |
I appreciate the attention given to an argument made in my book on animals in a new review (up at...
Read Moreby Charles Camosy | Jan 8, 2013 | From the Field | 0 |
Several of us who read or contribute to this website just returned from the annual meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics for 2013. For many Christian ethicists, I hear that this is their favorite conference–not only...
Read Moreby Charles Camosy | Nov 1, 2012 | Current Events | 3 |
We’ve spent a lot of time at CMT.com talking about animal ethics. If find this topic to be important, you might also be interested to learn of a panel discussion at Fordham two weeks from tomorrow titled Christians and...
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