There were two state-sanctioned executions in the United States on September 21, 2011. In Georgia, Troy Anthony Davis, an African American man, was put to death for the 1989 murder of Savannah police officer Mark MacPhail. In Texas, Lawrence Brewer, a white supremacist, was executed for his participation in the racist hate crime dragging murder of James Byrd in Jasper in 1998. As theologians, scholars, and social justice advocates who participate in the public discussion of Catholic theology, we protest the state-sanctioned killings of both of these men, and we call for the abolition of the death penalty in the US.
Davis’ execution is particularly troubling for it shines a stark light upon many longstanding concerns about capital punishment in the US. We mourn the death of Officer MacPhail and express our deepest sympathies to his family for their tragic loss. However, we believe that a grave miscarriage of justice took place with Davis’ execution. As many legal experts have pointed out, including former FBI Director and federal judge and prosecutor William S. Sessions, serious doubt remains about Davis’ guilt. Until his last breath he maintained his innocence. The failure of the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles, a Federal Appeals Judge, the Georgia Supreme Court, and the U.S. Supreme Court to grant Davis a new trial reveals a deeply flawed justice system. We therefore call upon lawmakers and President Obama to immediately repeal the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, which created the legal conditions for executing a man whose guilt was not established beyond reasonable doubt.
Even those who do not share our faith convictions ought to recognize, as Justice William J. Brennan put it, “the death penalty is imposed not only in a freakish and discriminatory manner, but also in some cases upon defendants who are innocent.” The horrific legacy of lynching in the US casts its evil shadow over current application of the death penalty. Studies have shown that black defendants are more likely to receive the death penalty. In many states with capital punishment, defendants are from 3 to 5 times more likely to be executed if their victim was white. In states that retain the death penalty, 98 percent of district attorneys are white and only 1 percent are black. Execution is also irrevocable, and innocent people have likely been victims of it. Since 1973, 138 persons have been exonerated from death row, most of whom were people of color and economically poor.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops stated that “the sanction of death, when it is not necessary to protect society, violates respect for human life and dignity…Its application is deeply flawed and can be irreversibly wrong, is prone to errors, and is biased by factors such as race, the quality of legal representation, and where the crime was committed. We have other ways to punish criminals and protect society.” In earlier eras, Roman Catholic tradition acknowledged the necessity of capital punishment, in rare cases, to protect citizens from threats to the common good. In recent times, with more secure prison facilities that give us the means to offer such protection without executions, our church leaders have affirmed the need to eradicate the death penalty.
There are, moreover, theological reasons for this stance, and here we speak especially to our sisters and brothers in faith. In calling for the abolition of the “cruel and unnecessary” death penalty, Blessed Pope John Paul II argued that “[t]he new evangelization calls for followers of Christ who are unconditionally pro-life: who will proclaim, celebrate, and serve the Gospel of life in every situation. A sign of hope is the increasing recognition that the dignity of human life must never be taken away, even in the case of someone who has done great evil.” Our theological tradition recalls that our Lord Jesus Christ was unjustly and brutally nailed to a cross to die. The great 20th century theologian Karl Barth put the matter this way: “Now that Jesus Christ has been nailed to the cross for the sins of the world, how can we still use the thought of expiation to establish the death penalty?” The Eucharistic celebration calls Catholics to remember all crucified people, including the legacy of lynching, in light of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His Gospel message of forgiveness and love of enemies presents a difficult challenge, especially to those who have lost loved ones at the hands of a murderer. Yet, the Gospel teaches us how to become fully human: love, not hatred and revenge, liberates us. We need to forgive and love both in fidelity to the Gospel and for our own well-being. The experience of groups like Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights, who advocate against the death penalty, attests to this.
Therefore, in concert with our recent popes and bishops, we oppose the death penalty, whether a person on death row is guilty or innocent, on both theological and practical grounds. While we especially deplore and lament the killing of Troy Davis, we also decry the death sentences of the more than 3,200 inmates on death row and the 1,268 executions since the death penalty was reinstated by the Supreme Court in 1976. We urge our nation to abolish capital punishment, and we also implore our churches to work unwaveringly to end it as well as all other threats to human life and dignity.
1. Gerald J. Beyer, Associate Professor of Christian Social Ethics, Saint Joseph’s University
2. Alexander Mikulich, Research Fellow, Jesuit Social Research Institute, Loyola University New Orleans
3. Emily Reimer-Barry, Assistant Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, University of San Diego
4. Tobias Winright, Associate Professor of Theological Ethics, Saint Louis University
5. Maria Pilar Aquino, Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, University of San Diego
6. Karen Teel, Assistant Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, University of San Diego
7. Gerard Mannion, Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, University of San Diego
8. Meghan Clark, Assistant Professor of Theology, Saint John’s University (NY)
9. Dana Dillon, Assistant Professor of Theology, Providence College
10. Charles Camosy, Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics, Fordham University
11. Julie Hanlon Rubio, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, Saint Louis University
12. Stephen B. Wilson, Associate Professor of Theology, Spring Hill College
13. Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P., Associate Professor of Biology, Providence College
14. Kathryn Getek Soltis, Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics, Villanova University
15. Vincent J. Miller, Gudorf Chair in Catholic Theology & Culture, University of Dayton
16. Jana Bennett, Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics, University of Dayton
17. Terrence W. Tilley, Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ, Professor of Catholic Theology, Fordham University
18. M. Shawn Copeland, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Boston College
19. Todd David Whitmore, Associate Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
20. John Sniegocki, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, Xavier University
21. Nancy M. Rourke, Associate Professor of Moral Theology, Canisius College
22. James F. Keenan, SJ, Founders Professor in Theology, Boston College
23. Nancy Dallavalle, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Fairfield University
24. John Inglis, Professor of Philosophy, Cross-Appointed in Religious Studies, University of Dayton
25. Dennis Doyle, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Dayton
26. Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Assistant Professor of Theology, Boston College
27. Daniel C. Maguire, Professor of Moral Theology, Marquette University
28. Anthony J. Godzieba, Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, Villanova University
29. J. Milburn Thompson, Professor of Theology, Bellarmine University
30. Susan Paulik Babka, Assistant Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, University of San Diego
31. Holly Taylor Coolman, Assistant Professor of Theology, Providence College
32. Kelly Johnson, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, University of Dayton
33. David O’Brien, University Professor of Faith & Culture, University of Dayton
34. Ronald Modras, Professor of Theology, Saint Louis University
35. Edwin L. Lisson, SJ, Associate Professor of Moral Theology, Saint Louis University
36. John F. Kavanaugh, SJ, Professor of Philosophy, Saint Louis University
37. June-Ann Greeley, Associate Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, Sacred Heart University
38. Jennifer Beste, Associate Professor of Theological Ethics, Xavier University
39. Elena Procario-Foley, Driscoll Professor of Jewish-Catholic Studies, Iona College
40. Carl Procario-Foley, Director, Center for Campus Ministries, Iona College
41. Daniel Finn, Professor of Theology and Professor of Economics, St. John’s University (MN)
42. Bryan N. Massingale, Associate Professor of Theological Ethics, Marquette University
43. Marie Dennis, Director, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, Co-President, Pax Christi International
44. James T. Bretzke, SJ, Professor of Moral Theology, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
45. Maura Ryan, John Cardinal O’Hara CSC Assoc Prof of Christian Ethics, University of Notre Dame
46. Francine Cardman, Assoc Prof of Historical Theology, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
47. Dolores L. Christie, Independent Scholar
48. Daniel P. Horan, OFM, Franciscan Friar, Holy Name Province (New York)
49. MT Dávila, Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics, Andover Newton Theological School
50. John Renard, Professor of Theological Studies, Saint Louis University
51. Laurie Johnston, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Emmanuel College
52. Nicholas P. Cafardi, Dean Emeritus & Professor of Law, Duquesne University School of Law
53. Christopher Pramuk, Assistant Professor of Theology, Xavier University
54. Bruce T. Morrill, SJ, Edward A. Malloy Prof of Catholic Studies, Vanderbilt Univ Divinity School
55. Matthew A. Shadle, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology, Loras College
56. Michael E. Lee, Associate Professor of Theology, Fordham University
57. Kenneth Parker, Associate Professor of Historical Theology, Saint Louis University
58. Mary Dunn, Assistant Professor of Modern Christianity, Saint Louis University
59. James Caccamo, Associate Professor of Christian Social Ethics, Saint Joseph’s University
60. Most Rev. John Michael Botean, DD, Bishop of the Eparchy of St. George, Canton, OH
61. Ronald Mercier, SJ, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, Saint Louis University
62. Thomas J. Reese, SJ, Senior Fellow, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University
63. David Cloutier, Associate Professor of Theology, Mount Saint Mary’s University
64. Thomas Massaro, SJ, Professor of Moral Theology, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
65. M. Therese Lysaught, Associate Professor of Moral Theology, Marquette University
66. Randall S. Rosenberg, CSJ Endowed Chair in Catholic Thought, Fontbonne University
67. Vincent M. Smiles, Professor of Theology, College of St. Benedict & St. John’s University (MN)
68. David Meconi, SJ, Assistant Professor of Patristic Theology, Saint Louis University
69. Mark J. Allman, Associate Professor of Christian Social Ethics, Merrimack College
70. Susan A. Ross, Professor of Theology, Loyola University Chicago
71. Christine Firer Hinze, Professor of Theology, Fordham University
72. Brian W. Hughes, Associate Professor of Theology, University of Saint Mary
73. Tim Muldoon, Assistant to the Vice President for University Mission & Ministry, Boston College
74. Carey Walsh, Associate Professor of Theology, Villanova University
75. Maureen O’Connell, Associate Professor of Theology, Fordham University
76. William T. Cavanaugh, Professor of Catholic Studies, DePaul University
77. Paul Lakeland, Alloysius P. Kelley SJ Professor of Catholic Studies, Fairfield University
78. Bradford Hinze, Professor of Theology, Fordham University; President, College Theology Society
79. Mary Ann Hinsdale, IHM, Associate Professor of Theology, Boston College
80. John Langan, SJ, Cardinal Bernardin Chair in Catholic Social Thought, Georgetown University
81. William L. Portier, Mary Ann Spearin Chair of Catholic Theology, University of Dayton
82. Paulette Skiba, BVM, Professor of Religious Studies, Clarke University
83. John R. T. Berkman, Associate Professor of Moral Theology, Regis College, Univ. of Toronto
84. Michael Patella, OSB, Professor of Theology, Saint John’s School of Theology-Seminary
85. Una M. Cadegan, Associate Professor of History, University of Dayton
86. James B. Ball, Associate Professor of Theology, Saint Mary’s University (TX)
87. Mary Jo Iozzio, Professor of Moral Theology, Barry University
88. Christopher Steck, SJ, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, Georgetown University
89. Beth Haile, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology, Carroll College
90. J. Matthew Ashley, Associate Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
91. Franklin T. Harkins, Assistant Professor of Theology & Medieval Studies, Fordham University
92. Angela Kim Harkins, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Fairfield University
93. Joseph A. McCartin, Associate Professor of History, Georgetown University
94. Anthony B. Smith, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, University of Dayton
95. Lisa Sowle Cahill, Monan Professor of Theology, Boston College
96. Joe Holland, Professor of Philosophy & Religion, St. Thomas University
97. Dorian Llywelyn, SJ, Associate Professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University
98. G. Simon Harak, SJ, Director, Marquette University Center for Peacemaking
99. Mary Doak, Associate Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, University of San Diego
100. Stephen Schneck, Director, Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies, Catholic University of America
101. Stephen E. Lammers, Helen H.P. Manson Prof. of the English Bible, Lafayette College
102. Christopher P. Vogt, Assoc Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, St. John’s University (NY)
103. Teresa Delgado, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Iona College
104. Otto Hentz, SJ, Associate Professor of Theology, Georgetown University
105. B. Andrew Lustig, Holmes Rolston III Professor of Religion & Science, Davidson College
106. Gerald Schlabach, Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN)
107. Anna Floerke Scheid, Assistant Professor of Theology, Duquesne University
108. Paul Niskanen, Associate Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN)
109. Brian Robinette, Associate Professor of Theology, Saint Louis University
110. Thomas O’Brien, Center for Interreligious Engagement, DePaul University
111. Edward Sellner, Professor of Theology & Spirituality, Saint Catherine University
112. Paul J. Wojda, Associate Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN)
113. William Trollinger, Professor of History, Cross-Appointed to Religious Studies, Univ. of Dayton
114. Mary Daly Twite, Senior Adjunct Instructor, University of St. Thomas (MN)
115. Colleen M. Carpenter, Assistant Professor of Theology, Saint Catherine University
116. Maura Donahue, Lecturer in Christian Ethics, University of Dayton
117. Kathy Lilla Cox, Assistant Professor of Theology, College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University (MN)
118. Amy Levad, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN)
119. Thomas Schubeck, SJ, Professor of Religious Ethics, John Carroll University
120. Kelly M. Wilson, Adjunct Theology Instructor, University of St. Thomas (MN)
121. Robert Koerpel, Visiting Assistant Professor of Theology, Saint Catherine University
122. Elizabeth Groppe, Associate Professor of Theology, Xavier University
123. Sandra A. Yocum, Chair of Religious Studies, University of Dayton
124. Kathleen Maas Weigert, Carolyn Farrell, BVM, Prof of Women & Leadership, Loyola Univ. Chicago
125. Brian M. Doyle, Associate Professor of Theology, Marymount University
126. Patrick J. Hayes, Archivist, Baltimore Province of the Redemptorists (Brooklyn, NY)
127. Ronald A. Pachence, Chair, Dept of Theology & Religious Studies, University of San Diego
128. Thomas J. Bushlack, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN)
129. Lance Nelson, Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, University of San Diego
130. David Whitten Smith, Emeritus Prof. of Theology & Justice & Peace Studies, Univ. of St. Thomas (MN)
131. Tracy Sayuki Tiemeier, Assistant Professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University
132. Thomas P. Rausch, SJ, T. Marie Chilton Prof. of Catholic Theology, Loyola Marymount University
133. Matthew Tapie, Teaching Fellow, The Catholic University of America
134. Tisha Rajendra, Assistant Professor of Theology, Loyola University Chicago
135. Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu, Assistant Professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University
136. David Hollenbach, SJ, University Chair in Human Rights & International Justice, Boston College
137. Stephen Pope, Professor of Theological Ethics, Boston College
138. Patricia Beattie Jung, Prof. of Christian Ethics/Oubri A. Poppele Prof. of Health/Welfare Ministries, St. Paul School of Theology
139. James Fredericks, Professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University
140. Richard R. Gaillardetz, Joseph McCarthy Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology, Boston College
141. Amir Hussain, Professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University
142. Mark Potter, Provincial Assistant for Social Ministries, California Province for the Society of Jesus
143. William Madges, Prof. of Theology & Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, St. Joseph’s University
144. Michael Baxter, Center for World Catholicism, DePaul University
145. William J. Collinge, Knott Professor of Theology, Mount St. Mary’s University
146. Jonathan Rothchild, Associate Professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University
147. Brian Stiltner, Assoc. Prof. & Chairperson of Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studies, Sacred Heart University
148. Catherine M. Mooney, Associate Professor of Church History, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
149. John F. Baldovin, SJ, Prof. of Historical & Liturgical Theology, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
150. Ernesto Valiente, Assistant Professor, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
151. Brett C. Hoover, Visiting Assistant Professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University
152. Mary R. D’Angelo, Associate Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
153. Padraic O’Hare, Professor of Religious & Theological Studies, Merrimack College
154. Patrick T. McCormick, Professor of Christian Ethics, Gonzaga University
155. Johann M. Vento, Associate Professor of Religious Studies & Theology, Georgian Court University
156. Rev. Louis Arceneaux, CM, Peace & Justice, Western Province of the Congregation of the Mission, USA
157. Laurie Cassidy, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Marywood University
158. Margaret R. Pfeil, Assistant Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
159. Edward T. Ulrich, Associate Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN)
160. Christopher J. Viscardi, SJ, Professor of Theology & Spirituality, Spring Hill College
161. Kristin E. Heyer, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Santa Clara University
162. Joseph Miller, Campus Minster, Stonehill College
163. Shannon Berry, Teaching Fellow in Systematic Theology, The Catholic University of America
164. Sr. Jamie T. Phelps, O.P., Professor of Theology, Chicago, IL
165. Phyllis Zagano, Senior Research Associate-in-Residence, Religion Dept, Hofstra University
166. Kelle Lynch-Baldwin, Assistant Professor of Theology, Ohio Dominican University
167. Radoslav Lojan, PhD cand., Saint Paul University, Ottawa, ON, Canada
168. John W. Martens, Associate Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN)
169. Mark DelCogliano, Adjunct Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN)
170. Julie McDonald, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Saint Joseph’s University
171. Nicholas Albares, Parish Social Ministry Coordinator, Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of New Orleans
172. Patrick Lynch, SJ, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Canisius College
173. Gregory J. O’Meara, SJ, Associate Professor, Marquette University Law School
174. Dennis Hamm, SJ, Holder of the Graff Endowed Chair in Catholic Theology, Creighton University
175. David DeCosse, Director of Campus Ethics Programs, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University
176. Denise Starkey, Assistant Professor & Chair of Theology & Religious Studies Dept., The College of St. Scholastica
177. Jason King, Associate Professor & Chair of Theology Dept., Saint Vincent College
178. Amanda C. Osheim, Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, Loras College
179. Alan C. Mitchell, Associate Professor of New Testament & Christian Origins, Georgetown University
180. Julia Fleming, Professor of Moral Theology & Dept. Chair, Creighton University
181. Pam Rector, Director, Center for Service & Action, Loyola Marymount University
182. Philip Endean, SJ, Visiting Professor of Theology, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
183. Kobi Ako Abayomi, Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
184. Andrea Vicini, SJ, Associate Professor of Moral Theology, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
185. Thomas Ryan, Director, Loyola Institute for Ministry, New Orleans
186. Thomas Kelly, Associate Professor of Theology, Creighton University
187. Mari Rapela Heidt, Lecturer in Religious Studies, University of Dayton
188. Catherine Cornille, Associate Professor of Comparative Theology, Boston College
189. Vicki A. Schieber, Board Chair, Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights, & Education Coordinator for the Catholic Mobilizing Network to End the Use of the Death Penalty
190. Todd A. Salzman, Professor of Theology, Creighton University
191. Ki Joo Choi, Associate Professor of Theological Ethics, Seton Hall University
192. Thomas D. Stegman, SJ, Associate Prof. of New Testament, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
193. Jean-Pierre Ruiz, Associate Professor of Theology, Saint John’s University (NY)
194. Fr. Thomas Washburn, OFM, Executive Secretary, English Speaking Provincials Conference of the Order of Friars Minor (The Franciscans)
195. Roberto S. Goizueta, Flatley Professor of Catholic Theology, Boston College
196. Michael G. Lawler, Professor Emeritus of Catholic Theology, Creighton University
197. Cara Anthony, Associate Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN)
198. Edmondo F. Lupieri, Prof. of Theology & John Cardinal Cody Endowed Chair, Loyola University Chicago
199. James K. Voiss, SJ, Associate Professor of Theological Studies, Saint Louis University
200. Jason Miller, Organizing Fellow, Catholics United
201. Jon Nilson, Professor of Theology, Loyola University Chicago
202. Jozef D. Zalot, Associate Professor of Religious & Pastoral Studies, College of Mount St. Joseph
203. David Wheeler-Reed, Instructor in Biblical Studies, University of Dayton
204. John E. Thiel, Professor of Religious Studies, Fairfield University; President, Catholic Theological Society of America
205. Richard W. Miller, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Creighton University
206. William Quigley, Professor of Law, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law
207. Raymond Kemp, Senior Reseach Fellow, Woodstock Theological Center, Adjunct Theology Prof., Georgetown University
208. Julia A. Lamm, Associate Professor of Theology, Georgetown University
209. James Madden, Case Manager at Towards Employment, Prison Minister, Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Former Assist. Prosecuting Attorney, Cuyahoga County (OH)
210. Jay Hammond, Associate Professor of Medieval Theology, Saint Louis University
211. George Williams, SJ, Adjunct Prof. of Pastoral Theology, Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, Founder, Jesuit Prison Ministries, Inc.
212. Edgar A. Gamboa, M.D., FACS, Santa Cruz, CA
213. Jennifer Reed-Bouley, Professor of Theology, College of Saint Mary, Omaha (NE)
214. Jill Raitt, Visiting Professor of Theological Studies, Saint Louis University
215. Patrick G. Donnelly, Professor of Sociology, University of Dayton
216. Christopher McMahon, Associate Professor of Theology, Saint Vincent College
217. Sr. Aline Paris, RSM, Associate Professor of Theology, College of St. Mary
218. William French, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, Loyola University Chicago
219. Melissa M. Kelley, Assoc. Professor of Pastoral Care & Counseling, Contextual Education, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
220. John N. Sheveland, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Gonzaga University
221. John F. Haught, Senior Fellow, Science & Religion, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University
222. Ronald R. Volkmer, Professor of Law, Creighton University
223. Barbara Quinn, RSCJ, Associate Director, Spiritual Formation, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
224. David Penchansky, Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN)
225. Kimberly Baker, Assistant Professor of Theology, Saint Vincent College
226. Joseph E. Lingan, SJ, Rector, Jesuit Community, Georgetown University
227. Maria Morrow, Ph.D. Candidate in Theology, University of Dayton
228. Mary Kate Birge, SSJ, Associate Professor of Theology, Mount Saint Mary’s University
229. Sr. Helen Prejean, Sisters of Saint Joseph, New Orleans
230. Donald A. MacMillan, SJ, Campus Ministry, Boston College
231. Marianne Race, CSJ Congregation of St. Joseph Retreat Director (IL)
232. Fr. Kenneth Hein, OSB, D.Th., Prior of the Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, Idaho
233. Gregory D. Walgenbach, Ph.D. Candidate, Fuller Theological Seminary
234. Maria Cimperman, Associate Professor of Moral Theology & Social Ethics, Oblate School of Theology
235. Randall Woodard, Assistant Professor of Theology, Saint Leo University
236. Brian Volck, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
237. William Werpehowski, Professor of Christian Ethics, Villanova University
238. Rose Ann Hefner, CSJ, Pastoral Counselor, Congregation of St. Joseph (WV)
239. Inocent-Mária V. Szaniszló, OP, Associate Professor, Catholic University of Ruzomberok, Faculty of Theology, Kosice, Slovakia
240. Christopher Arroyo, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Providence College
241. Timothy Brunk, Assistant Professor of Theology, Villanova University
242. Eric J. Kyle, Assistant Professor of Theology, Director of Service Learning Program, College of Saint Mary
243. Michael W. Cooper, SJ, Assistant Professor of Theology, Saint Leo University
244. Jeffrey Morrow, Assistant Professor of Theology, Seton Hall University
245. Shawnee M. Daniels-Sykes, SSND, Assistant Professor of Theology & Ethics, Mount Mary College
246. James R. Ginther, Prof. of Medieval Theology & Director, Center for Digital Theology, Saint Louis University
247. Patricia Kozak CSJ, D.Min. Congregation of Saint Joseph, Cleveland, Ohio
248. Michael J. Iafrate, Ph.D. Candidate in Theology, University of St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto
249. Ron Pagnucco, Chairman & Associate Professor of Peace Studies, College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University
250. Kevin J. Ahern, Ph.D. Candidate in Theological Ethics, Boston College
251. Elizabeth W. Collier, Assist. Professor of Business Ethics, Brennan School of Business, Dominican University
252. Rev. Angel L. Ciappi, Vicar for Development & Pastor of Parroquia Cristo Redentor, Archdiocese of San Juan, Puerto Rico
253. Peter W. Salsich, Jr., McDonnell Professor of Justice, Saint Louis University School of Law
254. Joann Heaney-Hunter, Associate Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, St. John’s University (NY)
255. J.J. Carney, Assistant Professor of Theology, Creighton University
256. William D. Lindsey, Independent Scholar & Theologian, Little Rock, Arkansas
257. John Trumpbour, Research Director, Labor & Worklife Program, Harvard Law School
258. Donald Rappé, Associate Professor of Theology, Mount Mary College
259. Joan Penzenstadler, SSND, Vice President for Mission and Identity, Mount Mary College
260. Rev. Patrick J. Sullivan, CSC, PhD, Executive-Secretary & Chaplain, Boston Archdiocesan Labor Guild
261. Rev. Steven M. Avella, Professor of History, Marquette University
262. Ruth Kettman, CSJ, Congregation of Saint Joseph, Cincinnati, Ohio
263. Frank McNeirney, National Coordinator, Catholics Against Capital Punishment, Bethesda, MD
264. Karl Krause, former criminal judge, Hamburg, Germany, alumni Mt.St. Mary`s University
265. C. Vanessa White, Assistant Professor of Spirituality, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago
266. Paul Lauritzen, Professor of Religious Ethics, John Carroll University
267. Joseph Martos, Adjunct Professor of Theology, Aquinas Institute of Theology
268. Joseph S. O’Leary, Faculty of Letters, Sophia University, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
269. Stephen J. Casey, Emeritus Professor of Theology/Religious Studies, University of Scranton
270. Anita Houck, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Saint Mary’s College (IN)
271. Sr. Jeana Visel, OSB, Graduate Assistant in Campus Ministry, St. John’s University-School of Theology (MN)
272. Annie Devine, Assistant Director in Campus Ministry, Marquette University
273. Sérgio Dias Branco, Invited Auxiliary Prof. of Cinema Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Coimbra
274. Richard C. Goode, Professor of History, Lipscombe University
275. Linda Plitt Donaldson, MSW, PhD, Assoc. Prof., National Catholic School of Social Service, Catholic University of America
276. Frank Farrell, Senior Assoc. Prof. of Religion, Chair of Liberal Arts Division, Manor College
277. Rev. Piotr H. Kieniewicz, MIC, Associate Professor of Moral Theology, Faculty of Theology, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
278. William P. O’Brien, SJ, Assistant Professor of Theological Studies, Saint Louis University
279. Prof. Dr. Pawel Bortkiewicz, Dept. of Theology, Ethics Center, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
280. Paul J. Griffiths, Warren Chair of Catholic Theology at Duke University
281. Angie O’Gorman, Author, The Book of Sins, Saint Louis, MO
282. Rev. Dr. Edward J. Enright, OSA, Religious & Theological Studies, Merrimack College
283. Patrick Clark, Assistant Professor of Theology, University of Scranton
284. David C. Oughton, Associate Professor of the World’s Religions, Saint Louis University
285. Anna Kasafi Perkins, Senior Programme Officer, Adjunct Faculty, University of the West Indies/Saint Michael’s Theological College, Jamaica
286. Prof. Peter Beisheim, Director, Catholic Studies, Stonehill College, MA
287. Kathy Heskin, Associate Professor of Theology, Director of Undergraduate Pastoral Ministry Program, Dominican University
288. Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman, Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics, College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University (MN)
289. Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., Associate Professor, Boston College Law School
290. Jarosław Makowski, Catholic theologian and Director of The Civic Institute, Warsaw, Poland
291. Rev. Józef Zabielski, Professor of Theology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland
292. Michael J. Perry, Robert W. Woodruff Professor of Law, Emory University School of Law
293. Rev. D. Bruce Nieli, C.S.P., Paulist Preaching Apostolate, Memphis, Tennessee
294. Karen Stohr, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Senior Research Scholar, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
295. Alexus McLeod, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Dayton
296. William P. George, Professor of Theology, Dominican University
297. Lee C. Camp, Professor of Theology & Ethics, Lipscomb University
298. Danielle Poe, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Dayton
299. Beth Ford, Campus Minister, Service & Social Justice Program, Adjunct Faculty in Theology & Religious Studies, Saint Joseph’s University
300. Glenn B. Siniscalchi, Theology Instructor, Saint Joseph’s University, PhD Candidate in Theology, Duquesne University
301. Helen Stewart, Campus Minister, Saint Joseph’s University
302. Robert A. Krieg, Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
303. William O’Neill, SJ, Associate Professor of Social Ethics, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
304. Rose Rita Huelsmann, SSND, Educator, Criminal Justice Ministry-St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louis (MO)
305. Jason Bartlett, Program Outreach Coordinator, Campus Ministry, Adjunct History Professor, Temple University
306. William McDonough, Associate Professor of Theology, St. Catherine University
307. Richard A. Peddicord, O.P., President & Professor of Moral Theology, Aquinas Institute of Theology
308. Paul J. Wadell, Professor of Religious Studies, St. Norbert College
309. Kevin O’Neil, C.Ss.R., Associate Professor of Moral Theology, Washington Theological Union
310. Paul L. Golden, C.M., J.C.D., Congregation of the Mission Western Province
311. Gerard Jacobitz, Assistant Professor of Theology, Saint Joseph’s University
312. Dennis J. Fisher, Adjunct Professor of Theology, Saint Joseph’s University
313. Dominic Lombardi, Adjunct Professor of Theology, Saint Joseph’s University & Director of the Family Life Office, Archdiocese of Philadelphia
314. Katie Oxx, Assistant Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, Saint Joseph’s University
315. Harold W. Attridge, The Reverend Henry L. Slack Dean of Yale Divinity School & Lillian Claus Professor of New Testament
316. Mary Latela, M.Div., Adjunct Instructor of Religious Studies & Philosophy, Sacred Heart University
317. Stephen J. Schafer, Assistant Professor of Nursing, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
318. Lisa Fullam, Associate Professor of Moral Theology, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
319. William A. Barbieri, Jr., Associate Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America
320. Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM, Professor Emerita of New Testament Studies & Christian Spirituality, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
321. Phillip M. Thompson, Executive Director, Aquinas Center of Theology, Emory University
322. Kevin P. Lee, Associate Professor, Campbell University School of Law
323. Fr. Paul A. Burke, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Holy Spirit College, Atlanta (GA)
324. Sr. Helen, Rolfson, OSF, Professor Emerita, St. John’s University School of Theology/Seminary (MN)
325. Edward Vacek, SJ, Woodstock Jesuit Residence, Washington, DC
326. Rev. John Breck, Emeritus Professor of Bioethics, Saint-Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Paris, France
327. Christiana Z. Peppard, Assistant Professor of Theology & Science, Fordham University
328. Joseph M. Incandela, Associate Dean of Faculty, Hank Aquinas Chair of Catholic Theology, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame (IN)
329. Rev. James Dallen, STD, Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies, Gonzaga University
330. Kerry Danner-McDonald, Adjunct Professor of Theology, Georgetown University
331. Bruce H. Lescher, PhD, Associate Academic Dean, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
332. Mary Elizabeth Miller, SCN, President, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
333. Sidney Callahan, Psychologist & Distinguished Scholar, The Hastings Center
334. M. Ruth O’Neill, JD, LLM, O’Neill Law Office, Columbia (MO), & Adjunct Instructor of Paralegal Studies, William Woods University, Fulton (MO)
335. Mark Graham, Associate Professor of Theological Ethics, Villanova University
336. Daniel J. Finucane, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Saint Louis University
337. Dr. Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel, Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna (Austria, EU), Associate Professor of Moral Theology
338. Mark Johnson, Assistant Professor of Theology, Holy Spirit College, Atlanta (GA)
339. Michael H. Barnes, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Dayton
340. Fr. Anthony Fasline, Retired, Youngstown Dioces (OH)
341. Gemma Cruz, Melbourne, Australia
342. Anna Abram, Head of Pastoral & Social Studies Department, Lecturer in Ethics/Christian Ethics, Heythrop College, University of London
343. Martin O’Malley, Research Scholar at “Ethikzentrum Jena” at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany
344. The Rev. Dr. Millicent C. Feske, Tenured Asst. Professor of Theology, Saint Joseph’s University
345. Wojciech Bonowicz, Journalist, “Tygodnik Powszecnhy,” Poland
346. Mark T. Miller, Assistant Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, University of San Francisco
347. Laurie Gagne, Director, Edmundite Center for Peace & Justice, St. Michael’s College, Colchester (VT)
348. Günter Virt , Professor Emeritus for Moral Theology, University of Vienna, Austria, Member of European Group on Ethics Advising the President of the European Union
349. William T. Ditewig, Adjunct Professor of Theology, Santa Clara University, & Director of Faith Formation, Diaconate & Pastoral Planning, Diocese of Monterey
350. Felix Just, SJ, PhD, Director of Biblical Education, Loyola Institute for Spirituality, Orange (CA)
351. Paul Crowley, SJ, Santa Clara Jesuit Community Professor, Santa Clara University
352. Robert Mickens, Vatican Journalist, Rome
353. Richard J. Clifford, SJ, Professor of Old Testament, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry
354. Kimberly Flint-Hamilton, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Stetson University
355. Fr. Gearóid Francisco Ó Conaire, OFM, JPIC Commission, Union of Superiors General of Catholic Men and Women Religious Institutes (USG/UISG), Rome
356. Fr. Seamus O’Neill, Superior General, St. Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan, County Wicklow, Ireland
357. Sr. Cristina Longinotti, OSC, Monastero Santa Chiara, Cortona
358. Adrienne D. Curry, Program Director, Catholic Relief Services, Archdiocese of Chicago, Office for Peace & Justice
359. Cecilia A. Moore, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, University of Dayton
360. Benjamin Peters, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies & Theology, Saint Joseph College
361. Deacon Donald Weigel, Adjunct Professor for Religious Studies, D’Youville College, Buffalo
362. Catherine Crino, MDiv, Pastoral Associate, St. Alphonsus, Chicago
363. Shaji George Kochuthara, Associate Professor of Moral Theology, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore, India
364. Timone Davis, Coordinator, ReCiL -Reclaiming Christ in Life – Young Adult Ministry, Archdiocese of Chicago
365. Sr. Carmen Elisa, SSpS, Missionary Servant of the Holy Spirit, Justice & Peace Ministry, Taiwan
366. Edward J. Mahoney, Director, Graduate Theology & Pastoral Ministry, Center for Faith & Culture, Saint Michael’s College (VT)
367. Fr. Eamon Sheridan, the Central JPIC Coordinator for the Missionary Society of St. Columban
368. Joseph Torma, Professor of Theology, Walsh University
369. Jan Jans, Associate Professor of Ethics, Tilburg University, Netherlands
370. Rita Sloan, Commission Coordinator, The Life Peace & Justice Commission of the Catholic Diocese of Reno, Nevada
371. Jan de Jong, S.C.J., President-Rector & Professor of Moral Theology, Sacred Heart of Theology, Hales Corners, WI
372. Matthew Coutinho, S.D.B., Lecturer in Moral Theology, Sacred Heart Theological College, Shillong, India
373. David Smith, Associate Professor of Healthcare Ethics, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
374. John M. Converset, Comboni Missionaries, Director, Justice, Peace, & Integrity of Creation Office
375. Andrew Skotnicki, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Religious Studies, Manhattan College
376. Patrick Hannon, Emeritus Professor of Moral Theology, Maynooth College, Ireland
377. Roxanne Schares, SSND, International Shalom-JPIC Coordinator for the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Rome, Italy
378. Fr. Alberto Anichini, Comboni Missionaries, Assistant Parish Priest in Alenga, Lira Diocese, North Uganda
379. Nancy O’Byrne, Chair, Catholic Diocese of St. Augustine Justice & Peace Commission, Coordinator, Pax Christi Florida
380. Arthur J. Mendez, Construction Company Owner, Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
381. Kathie C. Mendez, RN, Richmond, Virginia
382. Charles Curtis, Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
383. Rob Van Oostrom, Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
384. Donna C. Fitzgerald, Legal Assistant, Virginia
385. J. Michael Fitzgerald, Attorney and Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
386. Guillermo A. Gonzalez, Electrical Engineer, NASA, and Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
387. James E. Morgan, CPA and Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
388. C. Michael Stinson, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Southside Virginia Community College, and Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
389. David V. Dwyer, Construction Estimator and Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
390. Edward J. Handel, Salesman and Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
391. Martin S. Mattson, U.S. Postal Service and Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
392. Edwin Anleu, Permanent Deacon Candidate, Diocese of Richmond, Virginia
393. Mary Kate Birge, SSJ, Associate Professor of Theology, Mount Saint Mary’s University, Emmitsburg, MD
394. Michael J. Lueken, Ph.D. Candidate, Pontifical John Paul II Institute, Washington, DC, Theology Instructor, Xavier College Preparatory, Phoenix, AZ
395. Mark C. Meade, Assistant Director, Thomas Merton Center, Bellarmine University, Louisville, KY
396. Opal Easter Smith, Adjunct Professor, Catholic Theological Union
397. Michael DePue, OFS, National JPIC Commission, Secular Franciscan Order, Springfield, MO
To be added to this list, email Tobias Winright at with your name, position, and institutional affiliation. Those wishing more information about this statement may contact the first four signatories, who co-authored it.
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