The 2020 New Wine, New Wineskins Symposium is shaping up to be one of the best gatherings in the entire eighteen year history of the annual event! The preparations and planning for our summer symposium have been underway for months. This year we will be welcoming Dr. Stephen Pope (Boston College) as our Senior Scholar.
We will be meeting at Moreau Seminary, University of Notre Dame: July 30 – August 2, 2020.
Stephen Pope is a professor of theological ethics at Boston College. He writes and speak on the subjects love, justice, virtue ethics, and the natural law. Among Pope’s many contributions to moral theological reflection in the Catholic tradition, he was editor of Essays on the Ethics of St. Thomas Aquinas (2001) and he recently authored a particularly beautiful essay in Theological Studies entitled “Integral Human Development: From Paternalism to Accompaniment” (March, 2019).
The Call for Papers: You still have time to submit a paper proposal, featuring your original or ongoing research! Proposals should be 200-300 words and they can be uploaded through the New Wine, New Wineskins website. The deadline for submissions is February 29, 2020.
For younger moral theologians who want a historical introduction to NWNW and for the hundreds of not-so-young moral theologians who would enjoy a trip down memory lane, Maria Morrow’s excellent post on the history of NWNW is essential reading!