What does the word “terror” really mean today?
Let me begin this post by doing what I specifically instruct my students not to do at the...
Read Moreby Patrick Clark | Dec 17, 2014 | Current Events | 0 |
Let me begin this post by doing what I specifically instruct my students not to do at the...
Read Moreby Meghan Clark | Jul 18, 2013 | Current Events | 4 |
Currently there are about 100 prisoners in Guantanamo Bay Detention on hunger strike (89 of whom have been determined to be innocent of accusations but not released and some of whom have been on hunger strike for more than 106...
Read Moreby Meghan Clark | Feb 26, 2013 | Classic Posts, Current Events, Popular Culture | 1 |
One of my first blog posts was about the death of Osama Bin Laden. In Relief or Rejoice? Reflections on the Death of Osama Bin Laden, in which I concluded As Christians, it is appropriate to feel a strong sense of relief but...
Read Moreby John Berkman | Aug 23, 2011 | Classic Posts, Current Events, From the Field, The Environment | 18 |
Update June 2013: For a longer and revised version of this post, go to: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236008418_Are_We_Addicted_to_the_Suffering_of_Animals_Animal_Cruelty_and_the_Catholic_Moral_Tradition?ev=prf_pub or...
Read Moreby Jason King | May 16, 2011 | Current Events | 4 |
In his May 6th Wall Street Journal essay, Mr. Mukasy, the former Attorney General, claims that the much of the information that led to the killing of bin Laden was the result of “enhanced interrogation techniques.” Consider how...
Read Moreby Emily Reimer-Barry | May 4, 2011 | Current Events | 4 |
As more details about the killing of Osama Bin Laden are released, one of the questions that has surfaced is whether the CIA relied on intelligence resulting from the torture of terrorist suspects held in detention facilities...
Read Moreby Jana Bennett | Mar 18, 2011 | Current Events | 0 |
Next weekend, Duke University will host its conference on torture, which has a very specific goal in mind: identifying that “torture is always wrong, torture does not make ‘us’ safer, and we need concrete...
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