“My Friends and I We’ve Cracked the Code”: Lorde’s “Royals” and the Kingdom of God
The song “Royals” by seventeen year-old artist Lorde, from New Zealand, was a surprise hit of this...
Read Moreby Matthew Shadle | Nov 7, 2013 | Classic Posts, Current Events, Popular Culture | 1 |
The song “Royals” by seventeen year-old artist Lorde, from New Zealand, was a surprise hit of this...
Read Moreby Jason King | Dec 3, 2012 | Current Events | 2 |
We need to think about the renewal of parish of life. Since the Second Vatican Council’s emphasis on the laity’s call to holiness was paired with the renewal of virtue ethics in moral theology, everyone seems to recognize not...
Read Moreby Jason King | Apr 6, 2012 | Current Events | 2 |
The following is a guest post by Jim Caccamo of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA. The past year has seen a lot of attention paid toward labor issues in the mainstream...
Read Moreby Charles Camosy | Oct 31, 2011 | Current Events | 1 |
Here is an excerpt from my recent contribution to the ‘On Faith’ section of the Washington Post: Perhaps we should focus instead on our consumerist use of resources and a growing inability to provide...
Read Moreby Jason King | Aug 15, 2011 | Current Events | 1 |
One has only to look at the varying roles that Facebook and Twitter played in the protests that spread across Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya to recognize the power of social media sites. The rioters in Britain also used these...
Read Moreby Emily Reimer-Barry | May 3, 2011 | Current Events | 0 |
As we enter the month of May, we enter the season of college graduation–that season of final exams, grading, commencement invitations, and the inevitable round of conversations regarding the value of a college degree. Many...
Read Moreby Meghan Clark | Apr 1, 2011 | From the Field | 4 |
This past July, I was asked to participate in an event honoring Bishop Peter Rosazza at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry. Bishop Peter’s ministries were marked by his commitment to Catholic young...
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