New Wine New Wineskins will be hosting a virtual panel discussion next Friday (July 31, 2020) entitled Moral Theology Today. As many of you already know, our annual end-of-July symposium was canceled this year due to Covid-19 concerns. So, to mark the occasion when we would have gathered for New Wineskins, we’ve brought together three panelists for a collegial conversation about doing the work of moral theology today: Holly Taylor Coolman (Providence College), Charlie Camosy (Fordham University), and Fr. Nicanor Austriaco, OP (Providence College).
To join us for this online event, you’ll need to use the registration link below. All are welcome and you do not need to be a current or former member of New Wineskins to register.
Moral Theology Today: An Evening with Holly Taylor Coolman, Charlie Camosy, and Fr. Nicanor Austriaco, OP
Friday, July 31st, 7:30-9:00 PM (EST)
Registration is free and we’re looking forward to seeing you!
The guiding inspiration for this NWNW virtual panel is the theological and moral challenge of responding to the challenges of the moment.
There are a lot of big things happening in the headlines and within our communities these days: the coronavirus pandemic, national protests concerning police violence in the US, the Black Lives Matter movement, the politicization of common sense community health initiatives, the worst global economic downturn since the 1930’s, widespread unemployment, a new kind of technologically-amplified political polarization, the ongoing institutional and cultural entailments of the ‘The Great Lockdown of 2020″…and that only covers the month of June!
During these [fill-in-the-blank] times, it seems worthwhile to pause and ask in a collegial setting How are you thinking about all this? How do you approach thinking about all this? That theological and moral challenge is something I’ve written about previously, see my post Mercy and This Present Darkness.
On Friday, July 31st, 7:30p we will be hearing from three friends and supporters of New Wine New Wineskins. Each panelist will share some remarks, which will be followed by conversation and questions (including questions and comments from those attending the virtual event).
For younger moral theologians who would like a historical introduction to New Wine New Wineskins and for the hundreds of not-so-young moral theologians who would enjoy a trip down memory lane, Maria Morrow’s excellent post on the history of NWNW is essential reading!