Harry Potter’s Guide to Resisting Evil
I love reading novels. Sure, sometimes it is because I crave a bit of escapism. But it is also...
Read Moreby Emily Reimer-Barry | Jan 13, 2017 | Current Events | 0 |
I love reading novels. Sure, sometimes it is because I crave a bit of escapism. But it is also...
Read Moreby Tobias Winright | Jul 15, 2011 | Current Events, From the Field | 1 |
Actually, a guest musing by MT Dávila, (Ph.D., Boston College), Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics, Andover Newton Theological School: Four years ago, when I first put down Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I cried. I...
Read Moreby Dana Dillon | Jul 13, 2011 | Classic Posts, Current Events, Popular Culture | 3 |
In anticipation of this Friday’s opening of the final Harry Potter film, I’ve just re-watched the seventh film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1. It reminded me, yet again, why I love this series and why I think it...
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